Wednesday, June 29, 2011

By Knot of One....a Beautiful Spell

Perhaps the easiest way to perform magick with herbs is with sachets. A sachet is nothing more than a small piece of material stuffed with herbs and then tied shut with a string. I try to use a cloth whose color corresponds to what I am doing: i.e. if it is a prosperity working, I try and use green cloth. Simply gather the herbs and run your fingers through them, getting a sense of them, sending your energy into them. Then using a mortar and pestle, I crush the herbs while concentrating on what i want them to do for me. Because I like the Faery Tradition, I talk to my herbs as if they were beings: I tell them exactly what I want them to do for me, and I tell them that I will respect them and honor them in any way that I can. Then, after I feel that the herbs (faeries, devas, whatever energies you believe in) know what their jobs are, I place them in the center of a small square of cloth. Then, visualizing strongly my need being fulfilled (not working, but already completed!) I tie the sachet with a string. I like to cut the string long, because I incorporate cord magick into my sachets. To lend my spell extra power, I tie nine knots into the string, saying out loud:

By Knot of one, My spell has begun
By Knot of two, Plenty of fruitful work to do
By Knot of three, Money comes to me
By Knot of four, Opportunity knocks at my door
By Knot of five, My business thrives
By Knot of six, This spell is fixed
By Knot of seven, Success is given
By Knot of eight, Increase is great
By Knot of Nine, These things are mine

In no way may this spell reverse,
Nor it bring upon me any curse,
By all the powers of Three times Three, as I will it, SO MOTE IT BE

I call upon you Goddess Divine.

I call upon you Goddess Divine
I stand before your sacred shrine
Spread your arms, let in the light
I pray you will help me do what's right
Help me steer from whats wrong
and any evils for which I long
Help me live out everyday
According to the righteous way
Let your voice ring loud and clear
To comfort me of all my fears
And if I should ever shed a tear
I pray Mother Goddess will be near
Your guidance I need throughout this life
I pray you will never leave my side
And when times my faith is weak
In you Dear Mother, please let me seek
I call upon you Goddess Divine,
I stand before your sacred shrine.